
Review: A Star Is Born | The Heartbreaking Love Story

October 7, 2018

A Star Is Born is a tremendously charming, and heartbreaking tale that details the music industry; whether it can make or break your well being, and a love between two people that is undeniable. The film is the fourth adaptation of the story and with Cooper as director he brings his own take to the story and it is absolutely stunning. Cooper plays his character Jack in a way that you are so sympathetic to him, and when Lady Gaga’s character Ally comes along you see this spark immediately.

The movie is extremely heavy and doesn’t let up with the emotion between the two characters. There is never a moment that you do not care about the characters and their well being, and that is credited to the stunning performances that Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga give in this movie. A Star Is Born is an insanely touching film and even though it is a long film at two hours and fifteen minutes you never are truly bored because the chemistry between the two main characters, and the music that is created pull you in and you can’t look away.  

That leads to the the music and the songs that are in the film, and they are just stunning. The songs provide a detailed look into Ally and Jack’s relationship and how they are feeling about the current state of their life, and shows how much they really do love each other. The songs create a relatable aspect that create emotions the audience can relate to, and creates the spark of a lifetime between the two characters. It goes without saying that Lady Gaga is truly a musical force; now even an acting force. The songs alone are a reason to go see this movie while it in theaters because there were moments when my seat was literally shaking from vibrations of bass, guitar, and the powerful vocals. The way that Ally and Jack are able to play off one another and create these amazingly powerful songs is really a treat to watch.

The whole movie we have a front row seat to not only the concerts but to the way that the couples relationship will play out. The movie is really an array of emotions ranging from pure joy, to utter sadness. A great takeaway from the movie is that famous people are people too and they have problems as well and their own personal baggage, and is really a heavy, messy, and beautiful love story. It shows us that not everything is as perfect as it seems and there are so many different elements that go into each characters life that play a huge role in how they act and how they choose to deal with things. I will end with saying that the final scene of the movie is one of the most moving moments I have ever seen in a movie, and was truly touching. The movie as a whole is an experience that everyone should see, because it one of the most touching, and heartbreaking  love stories depicted in a movie, and is my favorite movie of the year so far.


I give A Star Is Born an A