
Review: Crazy Rich Asians | The Revival of Rom Com

November 8, 2018

Crazy Rich Asians is truly a fun film, and is not only a great rom com, but is a revolutionary film to create more representation in the movie industry.The movie is charming, and funny. The film is very original and avoids the standard cliches of the rom com genre and really shows the beauty of Singapore.

The performances all around were great. Even though they were crazy rich you still could relate to the personal issues that they had, whether it be family issues, marriage issue, etc.

it was amazing to see the relatability in each character which made you really care about their well being. The movie plays to its strength in the beauty of the location so well, and every scene you are presented with a breathtaking home, island, beach, or downtown bustle of people.

Crazy Rich Asians is a revival of the rom com and brings that fun energy from start to finish, makes you laugh and cry which is what every rom com should do.

One problem I had with the film was that it was lacking in the comedy arena because you felt that awkwafina was doing all the heavy lifting with delivering the laughs, as every time she was on screen the audience including me would burst into laughter.

There was another issue that presented itself in the film. I felt that they were trying to incorporate too many characters that ended up leaving some characters left behind. It could have meant more focus on the main characters and make the audience care even more about the central cast, and to me was a missed opportunity.

Constance Wu who plays the main character Rachel and Henry Golding who plays Nick do a great job and really tell an amazing story between the love of two people. They are so enchanting together and that makes for a delightful journey of the two finding their undoubtable love for each other.

Constance Wu is extremely likable as Rachel as she stands up for herself and has a true charm as an ordinary person. One of my favorite scenes from the movie is when she is playing Mahjong with Nicks mother.

Nick’s mother doesn’t approve of Rachel and Rachel gives a heartfelt speech of how she would never come between family and Nick. Then goes into how her mother is an immigrant from China to America and fought her how to stand up for herself and her beliefs. 

Rachel  is so relatable in the feeling of not being good enough, but she knows that she is strong and would do anything for Nick. It was an amazing scene that proved to Nick’s mother that she in fact was good enough.

There was another scene in about the last third of the movie that forces tears out of your eyes and takes place at the wedding that Nick and Rachel are attending and I won’t spoil it so you can experience it for yourself.

The movie is a great trailblazer because it is so important that the movie industry has representation for everyone. It was a great experience and a well rounded film, it wasn’t flawless but was overall a movie that I would watch again and again and is truly timeless.


I give Crazy Rich Asians a B+