
Review: Halloween (2018) | Michael Myers Returns in Terrifying Form

November 21, 2018

Halloween (2018) was a loveable nod to a cult classic in the genre, it wasn’t flawless, but still brought the terror of Michael Myers. It was a treat to see Jamie Lee Curtis back in the franchise and the movie picks up right where the original left off as if the other movies never happened.

What is special about the Halloween franchise is that it doesn’t play on the cheap horror aspect. What the movie does is keep you on edge the duration of the film and creates a tremendous sense of terror.

The movie does a great job of paying homage to the original but does so almost to a fault. It felt as though the movie wasn’t original and almost mimicked the first film in full, with only snippets of new scenes and or kills.

I thought the movie did a good job of not trying too hard and is a very enjoyable horror film. Halloween (2018) did a great job of keeping the fear when Michael Myers is “stalking” his prey. It is always terrifying to see a killer lurking around in plain sight, which is what the movie does so well. 

It was great to see the feud between Myers and Lori Strode again. It was done expertly and with great precision that you feel as though Lori has been preparing for the night that Michael comes back for her whole life. What the film did that interested me is depict the psychological impact that night has had on Lori throughout the years. 

The movie does a great job of reviving a horror legend. The way you can hear Michael breathing through the mask as he is stalking his victims evokes such terror in the audience. It feels as though you can never shake the intimidating Myers from any situation in the movie, and that is truly terrifying. 

Jamie Lee Curtis does such a wonderful job as does everyone else in the cast, and it all leads up to a thrilling climax and finale. This was all done well but it wasn’t out of this world filmmaking and that left me a little disappointed because I had high hopes for this movie.

Halloween still gave the audience the thrill and terrifying elements that the original created. This in my opinion is one of the best remakes of the Halloween franchise. The film is able to still instill fear into audiences with such an iconic figure, while still delivering a strong storyline through Jame Lee Curtis as Lori Strode. 

Overall Halloween left me satisfied but with some things to be desired. There were some plot holes that didn’t fit well into the film, but as a whole Halloween (2018) was enjoyable. It was a great homage to the Original and is able to keep the terrifying life of Michael Myers alive and revive the true terror of the Myers and Strode battle.


I give Halloween (2018) a B-