
Review: Love, Simon | The Modern Coming of Age Story

November 22, 2018

Love, Simon is an incredibly heartfelt story that is a modern coming of age story, which will tear at your heart strings and make you feel inspired at the same time. This is a movie that’s incredibly close to my heart and I thought there was no better time to share it than on Thanksgiving.

This movie is an incredibly touching and heartfelt story that is captivating and representative of many people in so many ways. It shows the struggle of knowing and becoming comfortable with your identity.

It’s a story that I feel I can relate to because of the tense battle between needing to know yourself but also wanting to fit in. The aspect of family and friendship plays a strong role throughout the movie.

Love, Simon means a lot to me because you feel as though you have nowhere to hide in this world. Simon and his friends display the complexity of the whole coming out situation beautifully. 

The depth of the movies emotions really took me by surprise and I was ecstatic to see this story being told. It shows us that we all have something to work on when accepting not only our own identity but our loved ones identity.

The writing in this movie is exceptional and extremely charming. To quote the movie Simon says “This was supposed to be my thing and you took it away from me, you don’t get to decide when I come out.”

You can feel the pain in every moment when Simon is outed to whole school, and the fact that his dad still doesn’t fully get the situation makes it even worse. There is so much to think about when it comes to this movie.

My favorite scene in the movie is when Simon’s mom talks to him about the situation. Simon says “Mom I’m still me” and that saying struck me significantly because Simon is still himself but everyone wants to treat him different because of this new identity they didn’t know about, and Simon’s mom says to him “I could feel you holding your breath these past few years. You finally get to breathe now.”

Towards the end of the movie the turmoil starts to end and everything starts to fall into place. Family is so important to this movie and when the family finally starts to absorb the information and accept what is happening in Simon’s life it’s truly special.

Feeling that sense of support is something that I wish I would’ve felt sooner and I wish it would’ve been a smoother transition.  Simon’s family shows how you need to work through this issue and have hard conversations. 

So yes I chose to post this on Thanksgiving because my family is not perfect and neither is the family in the movie. It all takes time and is a complicated situation. Love, Simon is an incredibly important film that I think every family should watch.

The movie encapsulates the modern coming of age story and shows us that we all have different stories that need to be told. I am incredibly proud of this movie and how it shows the struggles and triumphs of Simon, his family, and his friends.

Anyone who is struggling with their identity should find comfort in this story being told. The movie makes you feel courageous and inspired, and is one of the closest movies to my heart. We are all our own people and our own trail blazers on this never ending path of life. Love, Simon shows this wrestling game with life and identity perfectly. 


I give Love, Simon an A+