
Review: Mary Poppins Returns | Brings the Magic and Music In A Big Way

December 29, 2018

Mary Poppins Returns is a sequel that doesn’t take too many risks, but it does bring the magic and the fun in a big way, and that’s what truly matters. The story and the songs are pure fun and bring out the imagination in everyone.

From the moment she flew onto the screen Emily Blunt was pure magic. The way she performs as Mary Poppins is astounding and embodies the character in every way from start to finish.

The sort of snarky comments that she makes and the way she leeds these “adult” children to believe in magic is amazing. Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins brings care and the show we all wanted from this movie.

There were two problems that I saw with the movie and one was the fact that it wasn’t fully original and drew a lot of from the first Mary Poppins movie. I would have hoped for some new situations but I wasn’t disappointed with the story at all because it’s so charming.

Although Lin Manuel Miranda is wonderful on screen I would have liked him to bring more of the character and performed more, instead we say him just being himself. That isn’t a problem because he is so likable, supremely talented, and just overall wonderful in the movie and outside the movie. I was just hoping to see him spread his wings more and branch out.

When the movie did what the classic did and do a scene with animation and live action people it’s so much fun to watch and was one of my favorite scenes in the movie. The movie is a really enjoyable film to see and one that makes you smile, laugh, and cry.

I found myself humming the songs from the movie after it was over and that is a true success for a musical. The thing that this film did that the other one didn’t was bring in a strong sense of emotion. There were a lot of scenes where your eyes would water up or actually cry, and that didn’t outshine the extremely happy moments rather made them more meaningful.

The addition of Meryl Streep to the movie made for a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious scene, that was one of the most entertaining and unique scenes of the movie.

The movie created so many great many memories for not only for me but for others as well. Emily Blunt again deserves so much credit for the amazing work that she did and was seriously the standout in the movie.

Every cast member including the children did extremely well too, but it was Emily Blunt who stole the show and gave a mesmerizing performance as Mary Poppins.

From the music to the performances Mary Poppins delivers a terrific viewing experience for all ages. Although it can fall short of some originality and execution you leave the theater with a smile on your face, joy and magic within your heart.

I give Mary Poppins a B.