
Review: Captain Marvel | Female Empowerment That Packs A Huge Punch

March 25, 2019

Captain Marvel has polarized some MCU fans, but to me if you look past all the noise it’s a film that’s not only an important female empowerment story, but a new extremely powerful and exciting marvel superhero.

Although some may criticize Captain Marvel for being bland and too feminist, I feel that’s only part of the character and Brie Larson does a great job of depicting that.

Larson depicts Carol Danvers the way she should be and that’s someone who lacks emotion because of the planet she comes from, but also has wit and some rebellion in her because of the human side of her.

There is a scene where she is told to “smile more sweetie” that scene and how she deals with it shows how some men always think women should be happy and the response by Carol Danvers is perfect.

Brie Larson to me perfectly played this role and her performance was spot on to show us that there is strength in vulnerability and that yes women in fact can do that.

The film depicts women doing amazing things, being heroes, helping each other overcome obstacles, and inspiring each other.

All of these combined create a wonderful female led superhero movie that doesn’t let feminism hinder its message and instead lifts it up to make it stronger.

Seeing Carol and her close friend Maria’s relationship on screen was not only heartwarming but incredibly powerful. We see them making each other stronger and revealing each others true strengths.

When Carol is in fight sequences her ability and strength is awe inspiring and really embodies the rumors of her being the most powerful Marvel superhero.

Many members of the audiences’ biggest problem with the movie is that we have a Marvel character that they can’t connect with and care about.

I see the complete opposite and see a character that has a complex origin story which makes it hard for her to show emotion because she’s been taught true warriors/heroes don’t have them, but yet her human nature says the opposite.

Brie Larson encapsulates the ability to still be a hero and have that emotion that makes you care about others, which is what being a hero is all about.

The relationship between Carol Danvers and Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson) is tremendous and keeps its strength throughout the film.

Danvers and Fury provide us with laughs and heartfelt moments that make us understand the creation of the Avengers and how Fury was able to break down the walls of Carol to create trust not only between the two, but all other superheroes.

The Kree and Skrull relationship is also interesting which keeps your attention and will surely be something they move forward with.

Ben Mendelssohn who plays the Skrull leader Talos, provides us with a character that has depth and wit. He is great throughout the film and provides us with a lot of good one liners too.

Audiences are also complaining about the fact that her powers came too easily in the 3rd act and that they should’ve showed more of that learning curve to make us connect more with Carol.

I would beg to differ with that argument because while there isn’t an outright struggle there are instances in the fight scenes where she sees that sometimes she’s overdoing it.

Because she is so powerful and advanced that learning curve will come easier because of the strength she has, plus the years of training she already had.

The final act was mesmerizing and you could hear a pin drop throughout the final moments of the film because everyone was on the edge of their seat captivated by what’s unfolding on screen.

Captain Marvel as a whole is a well done film that’s not flawless, but it allows women to take center stage in a Marvel blockbuster.

I cannot wait to see what else they do going forward with Captain Marvel, and with Brie Larson at the helm we will surely be in for some fun new adventures in the MCU.

The movie is not only another Marvel hit but is the long awaited arrival of the MCU’s most powerful superhero.

I Give Captain Marvel an A-

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