
Review: It Chapter 2 | Not As Strong But Still Delivers

September 25, 2019

It Chapter 2 is not quite as good as the first film, but is still a terrifying adaptation of Stephen King’s novel. After reading the book, which is filled with riveting details, the movie had a three hour run time and still felt like some aspects were rushed.

I’ll start with the biggest problems I had with the film; even though I loved the movie. I really don’t like how rapidly they went through the adult lives of the losers club. Everyone is so complex and broken in the book as adults, and I feel the movie didn’t allow you to see that and connect with them in the same way. 

Thus, leading the audience to not feel that sense of comradery between the losers like in the first film. In the book they spend a vast amount of time apart as adults, like in the movie, but it didn’t have the same effect because there were critical details left out that display the significance of them being separated. 

It Chapter 2 didn’t create the depth that the book was able to with the adult characters, and instead of having the moments when they are apart make them stronger, to me it made them more distant from each other. 

This being said I do think that when the cast was given the ability they had great chemistry. Each person did an amazing job with their character, but Bill Hader was definitely the stand out as Richie.

To me it felt like Richie had the most depth and really felt like the main character instead of Bill or Beverley like the last film. Hader delivered comedy gold and the most dramatic sequences in the film perfectly. 

I really enjoyed the movie and to me the run time didn’t drag like some people thought it did. They actually could have made the movie longer and that would make the movie that much better in my opinion. 

Bill Skarsgard as Pennywise is as always perfection. I personally wish there were more of him on screen because some of the best and most bone chilling moments are with Pennywise. He commands the character with such ferocity and really is one of my favorite elements of the movie.  

That being said I don’t find the movie that scary, I just truly enjoy the film so much that it doesn’t really need that aspect. It Chapter 2 is creepy, but it’s not nightmares scary. 

The story was still there and you find yourself so invested with the characters, and their motives, which is such a strong aspect of the film. It Chapter 2 isn’t perfect, but the movie still delivers a quality story and some stellar scenes. Overall, this second installment isn’t as good as the first in my opinion, but it’s still one hell of a good time. 

I give It Chapter 2 a B+