
Review: It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood | Makes You Feel Like A Kid Again

December 14, 2019

It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is a heartfelt biopic that doesn’t necessarily center around Mr. Rogers, but instead is about the mentality he instilled in the people he met. I found the movie extremely charming and really detailed how Mr. Rogers was able to touch the hearts of everyone in America. 

Tom Hanks does a fantastic job of emulating Mr. Rogers from the way he talks to the way he was able to charm just about everyone. The movie really centers around a journalist named Lloyd Vogel who’s writing a piece about Mr. Rogers and how Lloyds more cynical view on the world is changed because of him. 

It’s an extremely touching story but you can’t help feeling that it all doesn’t end up that way or happen that way for everyone. While Mr. Rogers’ message is important and really helped people, there is a part of it that to me really doesn’t work well for adults like the movie tried to show. 

That was really the only aspect of the movie that didn’t work for me, but watching Tom Hanks play Mr. Rogers you really felt as though Hanks is Rogers. The movie plays like an extended episode of Rogers’ show and you can feel him talking directly to you as it was in the show. 

I spent my time crying through most of the movie because the message just hits you in your soul. Everything Mr. Rogers talked about makes you think of your childhood, who shaped you into the person you are today and is really a meaningful message. 

There is a scene towards the end of the movie in a restaurant where Mr. Rogers and Lloyd take a moment of silence to think about something. You could hear a pin drop in the theater and the tears just flowed because of what the scene makes you think about and how its played out in front of you. 

It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood is an emotionally powerful movie that may not always be true, but allows us to see the good in the world in incredibly dark times. It’s the perfect movie to help us all reflect on who we are and how we got to where we are. 

I give It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood and A-