
Dune (2021) | An Epic Success

October 23, 2021

Dune is an in depth look at world building and storytelling that soars to massive heights. This movie was one of my most anticipated when I heard that it was being made and it’s such a delight that Dune has lived up to those expectations. Dune isn’t the action epic that some might think going into it. Instead, this first installment -yes, first- focuses in on the storytelling, world building and character development. This is all crucial not only to any movie, but particularly to the story of Dune. There are so many characters, planets and interests. Which is why it’s so important they looked at all of that in this film.

Director Dennis Villeneuve also recognized the importance of the score and visuals here. Every scene is stunning and looks like it was ripped straight from an art studio. The score is LOUD and powerful. There is a native nature to it while also feeling brutal which perfectly captures the feeling of the world in this movie. Dennis captured the magic and also tragic nature in the world of Dune with how bleak and how beautiful it all can be.

The all star cast knocks it out the park in this installment of Dune. Timothee Chalamet as Paul Atreides just screams movie star. While I love Zendaya she really had not a lot to do here and I expect her role to be massively boosted up in the second installment. Rebecca Ferguson as Lady Jessica and Oscar Isaac as Leto Atreides are outstanding. Particularly Rebecca Ferguson as she captures your attention with beauty and power each time she’s on the screen.

While Dune may not be the epic action movie some may want, there is this massive amount of tension and doom that lingers over the whole movie. To me that is what makes Dune so successful. The film is able to pull you in and capture your attention for its two and half hour run time with tension while it builds up these characters and this world. It’s one of those rare movies that is able to make an introductory movie incredibly interesting. The audience can tell that the stakes are high which is always important to keep you interested and invested.

Dune is an epic Sci-Fi that feels massive in scale and brings us back to that massive blockbuster. The film doesn’t water down its source material and instead highlights it and takes the time and care to build up its characters. You care about the characters and the world they are living in. It’s an amazing time at the movies and and incredible movie all at the same time.

I give Dune an A