
The Flash | Isn’t as Speedy and Clever as it Wants to Be

June 25, 2023

The Flash has been a long awaited movie for many people that’s been plagued with controversy and delays. What we’re left with as it finally hits theaters is something that isn’t bad but isn’t really that great either. The Flash is just something that you can take it or leave it.

The story has too many moving parts and even with a long run time it feels rushed and like there’s too much going on. DC really thought they had their next big hit with this one but instead turned out something so incredibly average.

This isn’t to say that The Flash doesn’t have its moments. there were three things that worked really well for me here. Supergirl, Michael Keaton back as Batman, and Barry’s relationship with his mom. Sasha Calle really fits the role of supergirl so well and you feel like she has real power and strength behind her as well as compassion and I loved her in this. Michael Keaton returning as Batman felt a little gimmicky to me before I saw the movie, but he has some awesome action sequences where he finally feels like a forceful and dangerous Batman.

Barry and his relationship with his mom is at the heart of the film but we’re pulled away from it at too many moments for it to really connect. But there’s a moment at the end where Barry goes back in time and has a conversation with his mom and it’s actually a very touching and heartfelt moment in the film.

All of this being said The Flash also doesn’t have a main villain that feels dangerous or like a true threat. There isn’t a main goal because there’s so many characters and so many motives that it all become so muddied and unclear.

The Flash is also riddled with cameos that it does start to feel like a joke. Supergirl and Keaton’s Batman were good enough but adding as much as there is here is way too much and takes you out of the movie completely. All of this leaves you wondering how they all connect to each other. The cameos don’t seem serious and that is the main problem. They don’t seem like they connect to a larger story or universe that is being created and instead they’re just there for the audience to say “ooooh” and “ahhhhh” and actually we’re left just saying “meh” or “okay?”.

Now let’s talk about the visual effects. They are so wonky and weird at some points and the director came out after the movie saying that it’s because it’s told through the Flash’s perspective and how weird he sees things when he’s moving so fast. I don’t buy it. It just looks weird and like a video game at some points and can really take you out of the movie. Not to mention these visuals also can be happening when he’s not moving either so I don’t buy this excuse from the director.

The Flash had potential to be a really cool and fun movie, and at times it was. Instead, we’re left with an honestly forgettable and incredibly average movie. We were promised an amazing and unforgettable experience, but we were met with a slow moving, non adrenaline filled Flash movie.

I give The Flash a C