
No Hard Feelings | Hilarious, Heartfelt, and Pure Fun

June 30, 2023

No Hard Feelings could’ve easily been a joke, but instead it leans into its ridiculousness in the perfect way. The movie doesn’t have to be incredibly serious and is instead just pure fun and a perfect time at the movies.

The rom-com genre is making a comeback in a big way and I think No Hard Feelings brings a breath of fresh air into the genre. It’s absolutely hilarious and charming which is everything a rom-com needs to be.

No Hard Feelings is led by Jennifer Lawrence at her funniest and Andrew Barth Feldman at his most innocent and ridiculous. There’s so many moments between the two that are laugh out loud funny. The film doesn’t reinvent the wheel in many ways, but why does it have to? There is an incredible formula in these movies that just makes you love them.

It’s raunchy, cute, and heartfelt which is everything we need in a movie like this. Both leads handle this so well and you buy every minute of it. The first half is absolute comedic gold. Then we take a little bit of a shift in the second half to more serious situations that are in the back of your head the whole film.

It’s the perfect mix of everything we want in a movie nowadays. I loved the chemistry between the two and honestly was glued to the screen the whole time. There’s an easiness to watching this film that makes it so enjoyable.

You don’t have to sit there and dissect every last thing, you can simply sit back and enjoy what you’re watching. This is a movie that will have tremendous rewatchability. You could watch it over and over again and never get sick of it.

No Hard Feelings returns rom-coms to the spotlight in a hilarious way. It’s pure joy and pure fun, that has heart as well. We all need a movie like this and No Hard Feelings will be here to stay.

I give No Hard Feelings an A+