Review: Homecoming | A Jarring Mystery That Never Lets Up

January 30, 2019

Homecoming is a dark and dingy show that that doesn’t divulge you with glitz and glam, rather it draws you in with riveting stories and characters. The show isn’t filled with action moments and instead uses the curiosity of our minds to want to know what’s going on inside this facility called Homecoming.

The show focuses on Julia Roberts character named Heidi and cuts from past and present to piece together the mystery of the facility she used to work at.

The facility is called Homecoming and was meant to prepare veterans for re-entry into the real world and how to deal with their PTSD. We soon realize that there is ulterior motives going on and we are unsure of what part Heidi was playing in those motives.

Heidi has an interesting relationship with one of the patients named Walter and we see the dynamic between them evolve and change throughout the series. The ability for the show to flash back and forth between past and present without it feeling choppy shows great directing and screenwriting skill.

There is this tense feeling you get while watching this show that just builds on itself as the show goes on. It shows no signs of brightening its attitude which is honestly a wonderful experience, as it never lets you breath.

This ability to create a tense atmosphere while still providing characters that we care about is something that is truly special in the series.

We can see how visually stunning this show is and in my opinion is one of the most beautifully filmed shows I have ever seen. The show goes from a widescreen view to almost a vertical view when changing from past and present to help us keep track of where we are.

There is also significantly different color tones when we see past and present depicted in the show. The past has vibrant colors and more lively characters, whereas current times are presented in a grey monotone way with characters that are more angry and dull. All of this put together creates a visual masterpiece.

Performances around the board are amazing and captivate the audience to give us characters to root for and against. The mystery that unfolds throughout the series is one that we care about and want to figure out what is really going on at this strange facility.

Homecoming is a show that plays on the slow burn and uses tenseness to build up to the finale. When all the pieces start to fit together is when the show picks up and the 30 minute episodes seem to go by in a matter of 2 minutes.

The show itself displays a mastery in filmmaking and is an acting tour de force. Amazon prime and other streaming platforms are really raising their game to compete with big networks like HBO for TV.

Homecoming is a chilling tale and although it may seem like a happy welcoming committee it may be a wolf a sheep’s clothing, and that is the terrifying message the series conveys.

I give Homecoming an A