
Review: Glass | Had The Potential But Missed The Mark

March 6, 2019

Glass is another disappointing movie from M. Night Shyamalan that had the potential to be great, but ultimately was underwhelming and leaves the audience wanting more.

The movie starts off with so much potential and a lot of hope that we are in for a treat. But it soon turns out it’s just a trick that is full of holes and drags a little too long.

We’ll start with the good and that is the fact that Shyamalan created such interesting villains and heroes in this film that we are interested in and care about deeply.

The opening scene is really great work and draws you into the film with interest and when Mr. Glass played by Samuel L. Jackson, David Dunn played by Bruce Willis, and Kevin Wendell Crumb played by James McAvoy are captured.

Glass draws you in really well and makes you reminisce about the characters who we have come to love over the years.

The performances are also great here and everyone does a wonderful job portraying the struggle of if they actually have super powers, and Sarah Paulson does a great job with planting that seed of doubt in our minds.

Other than the performances and the strong first act Glass just goes downhill from there and draws little interest from the audience.

What was really frustrating to me was that David Dunn just like in his origin story movie “Unbreakable” does very little in this movie to show his ability and has no awe factor that he should have by now.

Kevin Wendell Crumb and Mr. Glass are really the only ones that provide intrigue and evolution, as we sense that Mr. Glass is plotting something through the film.

As Glass’ plan unfolds it is a very creative plan that I’m not sure if I buy or not, and another person’s motives are revealed as well, which just seems far fetched and not fitting for the genre even.

My biggest problem is that I know it’s not a real movie and I am all about involving yourself in the fantasies of a different world like this, but even in a world like Glass I just didn’t buy any of the motives and that’s a problem.

The final ending and the climax of Glass left so much to be desired and I won’t spoil anything but it was just a weak, cliche, and frustrating ending for all of these great characters Shyamalan has created.

Glass has so many holes and has so many factors that seem too far fetched to even be in a superhero movie.

It was a struggle that you were waiting for some big interaction between the characters and we never fully got it, we only briefly saw it at the end and that was really upsetting for a movie with characters with such unique powers.

Glass turned out to be a slow burn movie that dragged instead of keeping you on the edge of your seat and ended up leaving me frustrated and didn’t do any of the individual films justice.

I had high hopes for this film but was ultimately let down by a movie that left too much to be desired and ended in one of the most frustrating ways for such a great array of characters.

I give Glass a C-