
Review: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker | A Disappointing Way To End The Trilogy

January 20, 2020

This Star Wars trilogy is coming to an end and it went out on such a bland note. Now don’t get me wrong The Rise of Skywalker is an enjoyable time at the movies, but there are too many flaws within the story to just ignore. I feel as though this movie needed close to a four hour run time to really wrap up this universe, but instead was rushed into its two and a half hour length. 

My biggest flaw with The Rise of Skywalker is that. You feel as though you’re being sped through this story and don’t have the proper time to appreciate all the characters they’ve created. That can also be caused by the fact that there are too many characters. 

The franchise has introduced too many new characters while also trying to keep the old characters involved. All of this doesn’t allow the audience to connect fully with these new characters because they aren’t given the attention they need to shine. The potential is there for these characters, but because of the overcrowded nature of the film that potential is destroyed.

Rise Of Skywalker is at its best when the cast is all together, but for most of the movie they’re separated and tackling different missions. This makes it hard for us to really see them as a team like the original cast, because they’re all doing different things instead of trying to solve problems and take on missions together. To me that’s what made the originals so good, there was always this sense of teamwork and unity that connected everyone to everything that was happening.

Rey is definitely the shining star throughout the movie. She has a lot of cool moments, but we aren’t able to fully appreciate them because we’re jumping around so much in the movie. This results in us feeling as though she’s not connected to the team because like I said she ends up doing a lot of stuff on her own. I get that’s part of her journey to becoming a Jedi but that journey also includes teamwork and working with others.

I did think the lightsaber battles were enjoyable and provided good action throughout the movie, and the massive galactic battle at the end was entertaining as well. Rey and Kylo’s interactions are also always intriguing and provide more depth to the film. So there are enjoyable moments of the film but most of the movie is just average. 

If you enjoy Star Wars I would still see this movie because it’s a good time, but there are some things that are too far fetched even for this world. As a Star Wars fan I was let down by this movie, but was still able to appreciate the glimmers of hope the movie gave me. There’s some things to like about The Rise of Skywalker, but ultimately if this trilogy had more of a consistent vision and direction it would’ve been more successful. 

I give Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker a C