
Cha Cha Real Smooth | Charming, Funny and Everything Done Right

July 9, 2022

Cha Cha Real Smooth slides slyly under the radar, but deserves to be seen a thousand times over. It’s a quiet movie, but it speaks so loudly and in all honesty is one of the most charming films of the year. There are so many subtle moving parts to the movie that just keep you invested and engaged.

Cha Cha Real Smooth is a small movie that packs a big punch. We follow our main character Andrew and his fascination/attraction to a married older woman with an autistic daughter. The movies exploration of what it’s like to grow up or what it’s like to be a grown up is done in such a charming way.

There is also a sincere way that this done and it’s so honest and true about the way life works and how these two characters choose to live their lives. The choices all the characters make are so realistic and you never feel as though something isn’t justified or thought through. There is such heart put into the story that we can’t help but relate and sympathize with everyone.

Cooper Raif’s character develops the most charming relationship with Dakota Johnsons daughter in the film and that’s carried throughout the duration of the film. This helps the audience feel this sense of familial bonding going on. Which makes what happens toward the end of the movie that much more heartbreaking. That being said there is such good closure by the end of the film. Everything in this movie is just handled so brilliantly and sweetly that we feel we are just floating along this journey of finding one’s self with the characters.

Cooper Raif and Dakota Johnson have such a great chemistry together that really carry the movie. They were able to create characters that are so similar yet so different. Both are able to not only charm each other but audiences as well. They both capture this theme of falling in love at the wrong time so well.

Cha Cha Real Smooth is able to talk about what it means to fall in love and what it means to fall in love while you’re growing up, and it does all of this successfully. They also talk about what love is and what it looks like to love in a relationship.

These are all incredibly complex topics which the movie handles with such delicacy and such clarity. It’s incredibly lighthearted and fun while also still hitting you where it hurts when it needs to. It’s very serious stuff that they are talking about in the movie which they understand and are able to have fun with.

Cha Cha Real Smooth is one of the most charming and heartfelt movies of the year, anchored by charismatic performance from Dakota Johnson and Cooper Raif alongside witty writing and storytelling. Cha Cha Real Smooth is one of those movies that gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside and it’s impossible to miss out on.

I give Cha Cha Real Smooth an A+